Encouraging chatter that matters

We need to talk about the big things.

It all begins with stopping, taking a seat and saying  a simple "hello". Every chat is a chance to make a real difference in someone’s day.

We need to talk about the big things. Help us remove the stigma around mental health, so it doesn't feel so hard to open up.

Every Chatterbox seat installed will provide a free counselling session to youth in Aotearoa through our support of I Am Hope.

Not just ordinary
street furniture, but a catalyst for a culture of open chat.

In 2022, our first Chatterbox was installed at Point Chevalier Beach in Auckland.  Our goal remains simple:  To enable and normalise a culture of open chat, connection and support to help strengthen our mental health and wellbeing.  We need to get more comfy having "chatter that matters". 

Together, let's put Chatterbox seats in public spaces throughout Aotearoa in order to help remove the stigma around mental health.  We need to make sure it feels just as normal to chat about the big things, as it does to sit down on a piece of street furniture in a park.

About us

We can all make a positive difference. Find out how
you can help today.


A Chatterbox seat is intentionally versatile and inclusive,
catering to everyone.

In addition to the seat, the spacious bench area behind, provides a more casual environment to allow connection, inspired by the idea of simply relaxing on a picnic blanket. The seat includes signage providing people with a number to call to talk to a trained counsellor for support.

Designed by leading street furniture manufacturers, Urban Effects, Chatterbox symbolises a community or organisation’s commitment to Manaakitanga.  

A place where connection and chat can thrive, not only in times of crisis but as an essential part of every day well being. Help us get Chatterbox seats throughout Aotearoa - in parks, sports areas, schools, universities and other public spaces. It all starts with a simple hello.

Get Involved

Why the name Chatterbox?
It holds significant meaning to us.

Being labelled a 'chatterbox' can feel negative, and we think that's rubbish. It's time to flip that old thinking on its head. It's time to encourage each other to chat, to be open, to talk about the big things as well as the small.  

We want our kids and youth to be the greatest chatterboxes the world has ever heard - particularly when it comes to some of the complicated emotions and challenges they're sure to face growing up.

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It starts with a
Chatterbox seat.

Then one hello.

get in touch

Find a Chatterbox

Our first Chatterbox seat is installed in Point Chevalier, thanks to the support of the Albert-Eden local board and Auckland City Council.
Find out how you can play a part in getting Chatterbox Seats right across Aotearoa.